Sexy Tools

What works for me might not be the same thing that turns you on, but I know what I like! Sexy brushes!


Current favorites: sexy brushes on a sloppy palette

And I like them on a sloppy palette. I just retired a palette I had been using for about 4 years. It is, in itself, a work of art… and hangs in my studio loft as such. The palette posted here is its replacement, and I’m very happy with the hot mess it has become! I allow my acrylics to dry there at the end of the day. No wiping away. I just keep building on the leftovers. The texture is fabulous and it reminds me of all the wonderful time I’ve spent dipping my brushes into the rich, acrylic color that somehow, amazingly, settles onto a canvas and becomes a painting.

I have my favorite brushes, whether I’m working with acrylics or watercolors. And much the same way I wouldn’t let anyone else use my toothbrush, my paintbrushes are off limits to others. It doesn’t matter how careful you are… those “special” ones are only for me. They know my hands. They know my tongue and teeth that hold them when my hands are already full of other brushes!

I’d love to hear about your favorite tools!

5 thoughts on “Sexy Tools

  1. My pallette changes with every painting. The sexiness is on the canvas. I use old pieces of card as my pallette and after finishing a painting I discard it. From ciroscuro to abstract expressionism my pallette changes as do the colours I work with. Brushes are simply a tool to me. In fact sometimes the older brushes with tons of paint caked on them turn out to be the most enjoyable. It all depends what I am trying to achieve. I get attached to the wierdness that the tools probide.


    • I love it! Thanks for sharing! I have a couple old “workhorse” brushes that I’ve used and abused, but what makes them so wonderful is the texture they can provide. They aren’t expensive brushes. They aren’t pretty. The paint has mostly left the wood. The bristles are stained every conceivable color. But they’re AMAZING!


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